Email Deliverability: top 3 tips for engaging the user in the newsletter and interaction


Continuous communication is a human dialogue. In communication it is important to express emotions, to talk about important things, to communicate in short and precise phrases. And do not turn this communication into a monologue. If all this is not there, even a conversation between soul mates and very close people, very soon ends with a handshake goodbye.

Roughly the same thing happens if an e-mail newsletter gets hung up on the inner problems and needs of the author of those messages. Even the most useful and important newsletter runs the risk of becoming spam if it doesn’t take the interests of the audience into account. You can read about common mistakes in e-mail marketing communications at, where experts talk in detail about current mistakes during the formation and maintenance of a newsletter. And now we’ll talk about the most important component of the newsletter – the emotional appeal of the content. Without this component, you won’t be able to hold the user’s attention for long.

Write emotionally, but don’t overdo it

All newsletter content, except the mandatory messages about the opportunity to unsubscribe, as well as the promotional content of the letter, should be designed emotionally. Content should perform three functions:

  • holding attention;
  • informing about useful, important for a person information;
  • the information should preferably be served with visualization.

A little more detail about each position. Hold attention can and should be bright headlines. However, you should not turn into a tabloid. Title, which begins with the word’s “sensation”, “horror”, “all free” clearly will not work for most users. Such a technique reeks of cheap PR and does not show the true value of the proposal. Therefore, a headline that will talk about the uniqueness of the offer is the best option.

Write about what’s important: a tailored solution for every business

It’s better to inform in your mailing list about something important for a consumer, not to rubbish with petty, insignificant for a customer’s real-life data – the financial result of internet store for a year, the appointment of a new company manager whose professionalism is known by 100 people, etc. In any case this is a very individual decision. Because in a particular type of business, certain content is important. For example, the news about a new law making it easier to do business for a company which mines diamonds here is a good signal for investors. Therefore, although it is not directly related to prices or sales of goods, such news is very relevant and useful in a mailing to investors of a company that is a shareholder.

A good photo is the key to a successful message

Visualization is one of the most important components of success. Ideally, if a professional designer works on the visualization. But if the budget of the company doesn’t allow for that, you can use the simplest method – a selection of suitable pictures, photos, even taken on a smartphone. But it must be of good quality and be enough to show the content of the message, to reveal something new to the potential consumer, not just to make the letter “beautiful”. And do not forget to make the text pleasant, easy to read and large enough font. This approach – this is respect for the user. And a chance to hold his attention and maybe – to order a product/service.