What Is the Best Internet Speed for Your Business


Since most businesses are online, you need internet access to run them. When it comes to your internet speed, you need to know how much speed is enough to carry out your tasks online. These key factors will help you run your business smoothly:

Every business has specific speed needs that should be determined by counting the number of devices connected to your network. In addition, it is crucial to know what tasks need to be carried out.

Your internet provider plays an important role in providing the best internet speeds to your business. Since different providers have different costs, speeds, and the risk of service interruptions, you need to find the one that aligns with your business needs.

How to Measure Your Internet Speed?

There are a lot of ways to measure internet speed. One of the factors includes bandwidth, which refers to the maximum amount of data transferred over an internet connection in a specific period. It is measured in megabits per second (Mbps); hence, the higher megabits per second you have, the faster your internet speeds. However, it is influenced by several other factors, such as the number of internet users on the same network, the tasks you carry out using the internet, and even the shape and size of your workplace.

Bandwidth is calculated by assuming that only one device is uploading or downloading files at a specific time. Therefore, if your bandwidth is 200 Mbps while two devices are connected to the same network, each device will have a bandwidth of 100 Mbps.

How to Measure Your Internet Speed According to Its Type?

Different types of internet connections come at different speeds. They are dependent on your area’s infrastructure, the location of your office, and your chosen internet plan. The most common connection types with their expected speeds are as follows:

Fiber internet uses fiber optic cables instead of copper wires. These cables use light signals to transfer data to and from your devices. Many fiber internet providers offer gigabit plans, which means you get speeds up to 1 gigabit per second (Gbps). However, you will commonly get download speeds between 150 Mbps and 500 Mbps. On the other hand, you will have upload speeds between 65 Mbps and 100 Mbps.

Satellite internet carries signals through radio waves to transfer data to the satellites in space to establish an internet connection. It has download speeds between 12 Mbps and 150 Mbps, whereas you will have average upload speeds of around 3 Mbps.

Digital subscriber line (DSL) internet uses your business’s landline to establish an internet connection. It gives download speeds of 6 Mbps and upload speeds starting from 1 Mbps.

Cable internet uses coaxial cable to bring internet to your home. With an average download speed between 10 Mbps and 500 Mbps, you will get upload speeds between 5 Mbps and 50 Mbps.

What Are the Average Internet Speeds for Your Business?

An average business needs minimum download speeds of 25 Mbps and minimum upload speeds of 3 Mbps to carry out basic online tasks, such as transferring files, video conferencing, using cloud-based software, and sending or receiving emails.

Every business has its specific speed requirements that may differ from other businesses. To determine your company’s speed requirements, you need to evaluate the following factors:

  • How often do you download and upload large files
  • The type of business you own
  • The number of employees on the same network
  • Your business’s dependency on high-speed internet

If you are not sure about your business needs, get in touch with your ISP.

How Much Internet Speed Does Your Business Need?

If you are wondering what speeds you need to operate your business, you need to consider the following points:

  • Is it a small business?
  • Do you need to send emails, download files, and get in touch with your customers?
  • How many employees do you have?

Here are the speeds you need according to the number of users and devices connected to the network and tasks you can carry out on your devices:

Number of users/devices Average Speeds Online activities
1-2 5 Mbps Research

Send and receive emails

Browsing the web

3-5 25 Mbps Business communications

Downloading large files

Basic Wi-Fi use

5-10 75 Mbps Multiple point-of-sale transactions

Frequent file sharing

Video streaming

10-15 150 Mbps Frequent cloud computing

Data backups

Video conferencing

15-20 250 Mbps Server hosting


20-30 500 Mbps Heavy online backups

Multiple servers hosted

Cloud-based computing

30+ 1,000 Mbps Extreme speed operations without any interruptions


To find the best ISP that offers high-speed internet for your business, check out BuyTVInternetPhone. You can compare different ISPs to see which one meets your online business needs.

Internet speed plays an important role in determining the success of your business. If you want a seamless online experience, subscribe to AT&T Internet packages. They offer cost-effective plans for businesses and provide 24/7 customer support if you face any speed issues.