How To Differentiate Between Toxic and High-quality Backlinks?


Backlinks are the incoming links from other sites. Just keywords and search terms cannot lead you to the top of search engine result pages. Earn backlinks to significantly influence the SEO ranking. According to Google, incoming links from an authoritative and established website in the niche are regarded as high-quality. Website owners need to focus on earning them.

Unfortunately, low-quality backlinks are unavoidable and accumulate without your knowledge. They pass on a signal to Google and search engines that your site is not to be trusted. Low-quality backlinks can push your website ranking down in search results.

Sometimes, a sudden penalty notification from Google awakens the website owner. Thus, low-quality backlinks are termed toxic incoming links that can damage your online reputation.

Therefore it is sensible to undergo website audits regularly.

How to differentiate between toxic backlinks and high-quality backlinks?

Google considers the following as link schemes and can punish your website.

  • Forum comments links
  • Online press release links.
  • Links exchanged for money or products or services [paid links].
  • Links got from sending free products to write reviews.
  • Links from poor quality content.
  • Links from poor-quality directory sites or bookmarks.
  • Links are generated from automated software or services.
  • Links from sites created for cross-linking.

All backlinks as mentioned above are not toxic. You need to differentiate, whether it is natural. For example, you embed your new café’s website link in a press release. It is fine, but if you linked it to words like ‘best cold coffee in Texas’ on your contact webpage and sent the PR to different hosting sites then you get penalized. Another example is if you leave a comment, ‘Hi, best article!’ and link it to your website on 200 random blogs daily then you are generating toxic backlinks in tons.

Always underline backlink quality and focus on websites that are capable to represent you optimistically. To find all the backlink sources, you will need to choose suitable tools for your project.


You can use Linkascope to detoxify your backlink profile. You can see your linked page and the backlink source page. You even get to know which backlinks are very important to bring relevant natural traffic. Keep an eye on anchor text diversity. Overstuffed anchor texts with exactly matching keywords indicate spammy links.

The solution keeps you notified about the backlinks and their sources. So, when a toxic backlink is found you can address it as soon as you can. This ensures that your backlink profile is healthy and so is your SEO ranking.

Besides, you can use to shorten your long URL. URL shortener promotes sharing. On Twitter, it is crucial to save characters, and sharing an URL that has 75 characters means no space to convey your message. Using a URL shortener offers you more space to convey the message.

Cognitive SEO

The solution comprises multiple digital marketing tools, which strengthen your promotional campaign. Cognitive SEO’s alert system feature notifies you about your or competitors’ website activities. The backlink checker feature gives an overview of historical information, real-time data, and more. You can study link velocity, each link breakdown, and nofollow/dofollow links.